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Cultivating immortalsCancelJapaneseHome91 comicsNext WordWild Painting CollectionNext WordrebirthPrevious EpisodePrevious EpisodeYour confession has been signed.67.What is the purpose of the crusade?; Comic synopsis: The heroine who died in an accident crossed over to a dying little beggar in another world, with powerful divine powers, and became the representative priest of the temple in one fell swoop, and had her own name - Lonetha Ernaux. During a war with the army, Lonessa fell in love with the gentle Imperial Prince Vincent at first sight. At the celebration banquet, the slightly drunk Lonessa had a hot brain and decided to confess to Vincent. But creation makes people, and Lonessa's confession was wronged by Corris Volard, who is known as the "Grim Reaper of the Battlefield......rebirthmetropolisLying puppies will be eatenBloodCultivating immortalsPrivate photoCancelCancel