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卢迪(凯内尔·穆德卢佐 Kornél Mundruczó 饰)从小就成长在孤儿院中,他刚一出生就被父母无情的抛弃了,从来都没有感受过亲情的滋味。17岁时,对父母的思念在卢迪的内心里愈演愈烈,他决定动身去寻找他们的踪迹。但很快,残酷的现实就让卢迪知道,他的存在对于他的亲人们来说或许并非一件好事。 一次偶然中,卢迪得到了一次试镜的机会。导演被卢迪身上所散发出来的阴郁气质深深的吸引了,认为他就是扮演自己电影里角色的不二人选。可是造化弄人,导演并不知道,眼前的这个年轻人,正是他早些年间抛弃的儿子。
Also known as Red Riding Hood, Year 2000, this Hungarian/Canadian co-production is not for children. Director Marta Meszaros again dwells upon the travails of women trapped in oppressive society. This time, the Red Riding Hood legend is used metaphorically within the framework of a quasi-futuristic storyline. The "wolves" are of the human variety, and "friendly hunters" few and far between. This is a weird and sometimes disturbing take-off on the beloved fairy tale. In this one, the main girl is far more whiny and petulant. She has a boyfriend (who is somehow able to come and go into the forest from the city with no visible means of transport) and she is able to communicate telepathically with the wolf. There is a sub-plot about the girl's divorced parents which doesn't really make sense and the film features a very odd development towards the end. The forest scenery is gorgeous and the film is professionally made but it's hard to tell if this was made for kids or not as it contains so many odd and questionable elements. It's definitely not the story that most people grew up with.
影片根据真人真事改编,讲述一段发生在战火下的女同爱情故事。1943年的柏林,正是第二次世界大战纳粹时期。已婚的莉莉(茱莉安·柯勒 Juliane K?hler饰)一如既往的过着毫无激情的生活,直到在一次音乐会上结识了犹太女子菲利斯(玛丽亚· 施拉德 Maria Schrader饰饰),一股激情四射的爱火被瞬间点燃了。她们互唤对方昵称艾米和加古娅,彼此深爱着对方。菲利斯一直在为反纳粹组织搜集资料,直到1944年的一天,被纳粹残害早逝。战火下的爱情,谁又能逃过生离死别。 当真爱超越了种族与性别,是否真的存在天堂般美好的伊甸园?
庄森(Bruno Ganz 饰)和露西(Isabelle Adjani 伊莎贝尔?阿佳妮 饰)是一对生活在德国维斯马的恩爱情侣,他们的婚事在即,紧张幸福。但庄森突然接到消息,居住在城堡中的德古拉伯爵(Klaus Kinski 克劳斯?金斯基 饰)意欲购买一套房子,露西家附近刚好有一间,为了筹备婚礼庄森欣然前往。然而令他难以置信的是,德古拉伯爵竟是传说中的吸血鬼。庄森被他吸去了鲜血,九死一生逃回家中。 看过露西相片的德古拉伯爵认定这就是自己的前世恋人,他化作人形,以房主的身份来到刚刚购买的房子里,伺机行动……