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被指控纵火的阿莫多出狱了,却没有人等着他。他回到家乡,一个位于加利西亚深山、全欧洲森林大火发生最为频繁的村庄,与八十三岁的老母亲和三头乳牛一起生活。跨过湿冷阴郁的冬季,阿莫多循着自然的节奏缓慢生活,曾经干枯的生命在春日微风和盛夏阳光里逐渐舒展,直到森林的滥垦越来越近,漫山的烈火再度袭卷而来……。 导演奥利佛勒赛回到儿时游玩的西班牙山村,完成这部横跨四季的宿命之诗。以熟识的当地素人为主角,在充满仪式感的摄影机运动与超十六毫米胶卷质地的影像中,凝视这片被他誉为「拥有极端美感、高反差又难以预测」的山林景貌,静谧中汇聚出慑人的能量;而人类的纯真与猜忌、自然的更迭与灭绝、生命的渺小和无常,更随着铺天盖地的熊熊烈火,迸发出灼人的滚烫。影像力道直追贝拉塔尔、塔可夫斯基。
三个与狗有关的故事,三段令人唏嘘的人生。 奥克塔瓦(Gael Garcia Bernal 饰)和母亲、兄嫂住在一起,哥哥阿米罗(Marco Perez 饰)和女人鬼混,白天在超市上班,晚上抢劫超市,对妻子苏珊娜(Vanessa Bauche 饰)和小孩十分粗暴,奥克塔瓦慢慢爱上了苏珊娜,为了和苏珊娜私奔,他带自己的狗“高飞”参加地下斗狗比赛,赢了不少钱。谁知,快到约定私奔的日子,阿米罗和苏珊娜带着小孩离开了,还带走了他辛苦攒下的钱,气急败坏的奥克塔瓦约老对手做最后一场比赛,对方输红了眼,开枪打伤“高飞”,奥克塔瓦刺伤对手,开车逃亡,发生车祸。他和家人的生活,就此转折。 和奥克塔瓦撞车的是名模瓦雷里亚(Goya Toledo 饰),她的情人丹尼尔(Alvaro Guerrero 饰)刚刚离开妻子,二人开始同居。车祸使她的职业生涯受到了很大的影响,相依为命的宠物狗“米奇”掉到地板下,更是严重打击了她的精神,生活陷入困境。 车祸现场,流浪汉玛汀捡走了“高飞”,玛汀早年为了追求理想,抛妻弃女参加游击队,出狱后成为职业杀手,但是仍然心怀平凡父亲的梦想,希望得到女儿的原谅,机缘巧合之下,他和女儿有了见面的机会,他却无法面对。
墨西哥秘密警察, 国家安全局局长——费尔南多·巴里恩托斯(Fernando Barrientos)正一步一步攀上墨西哥的权利顶峰。 在这条充满阻碍的路上,他将不得不费尽心机,即使需要背叛和杀戮,他也已做好充分的准备。
When star high school quarterback AJ Montoya breaks his hand his only hope is to team up with his longtime rivals, the cross country team--a group of nerds and misfits with potential for high school glory.
哥伦比亚新浪潮导演Carlos Mayolo的长片处女作,一部哥特风格的幻想片,获葡萄牙幻想电影节最佳女主角和最佳影片提名。是导演向Roman Polanski的《Rosemary's Baby》致敬的作品。 Flesh of your flesh is a political allegory trhough a love story, framed into the magical colombian universe. In 1955, in the middle of a military dictatorship, a teenage girl seduces her brother and due to their incestous relationship the lovers are possessed by the ghosts of their ancestors. The two youngsters become vampirical and criminal creatures like those created by the colombian violencia, mingling with the mythological beings of the countryside like drafts and other ghost sowing fear into the heart of men. Directed by Carlos Mayolo. Centers on a wealthy family fighting over the last testament of a just-deceased matriarch. From there, the family members are shown to have an incestuous relationship, and eventually vampires come into the picture, as well as unbridled slaughter. Tropical Gothic Baroque. An extremely interesting film about La Violencia in Colombia which captures the strange social and political heterogeneity of this dark set of events. Mayolo developed his own aesthetic - partly in collaboration with filmmaker Luis Ospina and the late Andrés Caicedo - 'el gótico tropical' in order to convey this strangeness. The film combines local Colombian myths - caspi, la madremonte, el hojarasquin del monte - with themes of vampirism and incest to convey the place of La Violencia within a repetitive and cyclical history characterised by interpartisan conflicts that benefit the empowerment of the Colombian aristocracy.
Faced with the destruction of her town at the hands of a greedy mining company, rebellious high school teacher Sarah Cooper utilizes an obscure cartographical loophole to declare independence.
1.Life and DeathOfficer Nolan and the entire team race against the clock to locate Lopez after she is kidnapped on her wedding day, not only to save her life but her unborn child’s. 2. Five MinutesOfficer Nolan and Officer Chen’s run-in with an infamous thief tips them off to a potentially big heist surrounding the Getty’s big gala event. Meanwhile, Nolan works up the courage to ask Bailey out on date. 3.In the Line of FireOfficer Nolan and officer Chen report to a structure fire and suspect that there is more to the situation than meets the eye. Meanwhile, after witnessing a sniper shooting, the team searches for the shooter and discovers that the perpetrator has a connection to one of their own.