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Set in the 1930s, an American with a scandalous reputation on both sides of the Atlantic must do an about-face in order to win back the woman of his dreams.
  Colonel Branson (Thomas Gibson), head of a secret and covert division of the NSA, keeps the Shadow Wolves operating albeit now independent and rogue. His anger after his daughter was killed in Afghanistan training civilians drives him to defend "his" America and her borders by all means legal or otherwise. When ISIS terrorists begin to sneak across the US Border into Arizona, Branson alerts the Shadow Wolves to track and stop them. Branson sends Eric Shaw (Cody Walker), his most deadly and effective agent, to join up with the Shadow Wolves. The Wolves are led by Nabahe (Graham Greene), a Navajo honored military veteran, and an old colleague of Branson's. At the same time in London Lady Milton-Simon (Louise Lombard), head of an MI6 anti-terrorist division, sends out her elite agent, Major McLaren (Tom Hutch), to track a terrorist named Khan (Solomon Shiv) who has a personal vendetta against the US and the Shadow Wolves. Lady Milton and McLaren learn Khan is heading to Mexico to be ...
  Tom Kane(凯尔希·格兰莫)是“风城”芝加哥的市长,可以说他就是位于这座城市权力之网中心的那只大蜘蛛,这个网同时也是权力与进步达成的契约之网。  人们希望被领导,争端被解决,工作被分配,忠诚被回报,如果必须通过骗术与违背道德的方式才能达成这一切,Tom meijubar.net Kane觉得也未尝不可。只要任务完成了,人们便会另眼相看。  尽管他算是近几年来成绩斐然的一位市长,渐渐显现的老年痴呆症的魔爪却在将一切一点一点地从他身边剥离走,他不能相信自己的记忆力、最亲密的盟友、甚至是他自己。  他的妻子Meredith并不知道这些,他们的婚姻其实也是利益、权力趋向所造就的产物;他的顾问,Kitty O’Neil,一直对他有所怀疑但也不敢言语;他的政治顾问Ezra Stone,一个脾气不太好的耶鲁毕业生还依然蒙在鼓里。  只有Emma, 和Tom Kane闹僵的女儿,在一次偶然的机会下得知了父亲的这一秘密。这位顶级“老板”眼下正经历着最为艰难的时刻......
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