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女主角一个美若天仙的女子,竟因自己是个处女,而对男友感到厌烦──动不动就想上床的男人──她眼里只有一种想法:「滚开!」一场男女对决,於焉展开。 一对男女朋友在交往多年却不曾发生过亲密关係,男友不解?女友更有一堆难以解开的结 等待有缘人来助她一臂之力,却不是要跟男人上床。问题来了,一个处女,世间少有,就在男友把持不住的情况下,他泄露了对女友的不满,透过他的工作职权:记者,昭告天下。你能想像这会产生多严重的后果吗?当然是分啦,怎分?光是为了钱的问题,男女间就只是敌人。
Delphine Lamarre (Mylène St-Sauveur) is twenty years old. She has to make a choice between living her dream as a profesional dancer or taking the path imposed by her parents, which means studying medecine. However, her encounter with Marc Painchaud (Nico Archambault) will give her hope. In fact, she'll take part in more and more auditions and she'll stand up before her parents.
安娜(明妮·德里弗 Minnie Driver 饰)是一名单身母亲,和儿子杰西(鲍比·科尔曼 Bobby Coleman 饰)过着相依为命的生活。一个女人独自抚养孩子是何等的不易,但安娜从来就没有放弃过希望,而是通过努力的工作来为杰西铺设一个相对来说比较美好的未来。 索尔(杰瑞米·雷纳 Jeremy Renner 饰)是一个赌鬼,因为欠下了累累赌债而身陷巨大的麻烦之中。在一场意外里,索尔遇见了安娜和杰西,这意外的相遇令安娜失去了一切,也彻底的毁掉了索尔本就摇摇欲坠的人生。因为过失杀人罪,索尔被关进了监狱,一晃眼多年过去,当安娜再度见到这个男人时,内心的痛苦和黑暗卷土重来。
Creature of habit, Jon Smith, spends his days mindlessly working as a barista in New York City. When night falls, this seeming everyman savagely kills "filthy women" as his social outlet. A chance encounter with Delia, a young prostitute searching for an escape from her troubled past, forces Jon to confront the most terrifying thing he has ever faced in all his dark affairs - himself. All God's Creatures examines the true nature of what it means to be a monster and reveals that love is not only for a chosen few, but for all God's creatures.
Facing a bleak future, a young man runs away to Mexico where he is recruited by the mysterious captain of a paramilitary group of teens who fight drug cartels. Isolated at their desert camp and unsure what he's fighting for, he seeks to prove himself in this crucible of manhood.
Twin brothers (dual role by Wagner) are separated at birth after their parents are killed in a car accident. One grows up to have a good and successful life with loving foster parents and a beautiful wife, and the other grows to be a disturbed young man who now plans to achieve the perfect life by stealing his brother's.