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Akil (KIL), a quiet and depressed young man sees suicide as an solution though he never succeeds in pulling it off. A chance encounter brings him face to face with the "Life Action Bureau" or LAB, an organization that will help him end his life. But after being bound to LAB's terms and conditions, he meets pretty and vivacious Zara with whom he eventually falls in love with and...
这是地球上污染最严重的地方之一、也是全俄罗斯最大的可裂变物质贮藏地,活在核辐射下的“天堂”,这里是奥焦尔斯克,代号「City40」。 在俄罗斯领土的某一深处,有一个从苏维埃时代遗留至今的城市,裡头有成千上万的男女和儿童,在武装警卫的监视下于铁丝网围栏内生活和工作。他们被告知自己是这世界的「原子屏障」和救世主,而所有居住在外面的人都是敌人。这个城市不存在地图上,公开资料中也找不著这群人的身份。 这是地球上污染最严重的地方之一、也是全俄罗斯最大的可裂变物质贮藏地,这裡是奥焦尔斯克,代号「City40」。 这部记录片的拍摄团队偷偷潜入「City40」后,遇到了一位单亲的母亲和一群勇敢的居民,这些人冒著生命危险,揭露了一些威胁著人类和环境的严峻真相。 注:在武器控制的条约中,特别是禁止生产核武器用裂变物质条约的提案中,可裂变物质通常用来指主要用于核武器中的可裂变物质,例如钸-239。
《性/生活》讲述了一个女人、她的丈夫以及她的旧情人之间的三角恋故事,采用全新的视角审视了女性的身份和欲望。比莉·康纳利(莎拉·夏希饰)并非生来就是生活在郊区的全职妻子和母亲。在嫁给充满爱心且为人可靠的库伯(迈克·沃格尔饰)并搬到康涅狄格州之前,比莉是一个自由奔放的野孩子。她与好朋友莎夏(玛格丽特·奥黛特饰)一起在纽约生活,工作努力,玩得更嗨。照顾两个年幼的孩子让比莉感到筋疲力尽并开始怀念过去,于是她开始写日记,幻想自己与性感的前男友布莱德(亚当·迪莫斯饰)的激情之旅 — 与后者的分手让她一直无法释怀。但比莉越是回想,就越想不通自己为何走到了今天的地步。然后,丈夫发现了她的日记。有关比莉过去的真相会在她的婚姻中引发一场性革命吗?还是会让她与那个抛弃她并让她心碎的男人再续前缘?
Pat Tillman gave up his professional football career to join the Army Rangers in 2002—and became an instant symbol of patriotic fervor and unflinching duty. But the truth about Pat Tillman is far more complex, and ultimately more heroic, than the caricature created by the media. And when the government tried to turn his death into war propaganda, they took on the wrong family. From her home in the Santa Cruz mountains, Pat’s mother, Dannie Tillman, led the family’s crusade to reveal the truth beneath the mythology of their son’s life and death. Featuring candid and revelatory interviews with Pat's fellow soldiers as well as his family, Amir Bar-Lev’s emotional and insightful film not only shines a light on the shady aftermath of Pat’s death and calls to task the entire chain of command but also examines themes as timeless as the notion of heroism itself.