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丹泽尔·华盛顿、克里夫·欧文、朱迪·福斯特主演,斯派克·李执导的2006年罪案惊悚片《局内人》将拍续集,最新定下由Aml Ameen(《超感猎杀》)主演。  《局内人2》的剧情简介更像是第一部的翻拍:讲述美国联储局被一帮厉害又聪明的贼给抢了,并挟持多人作为人质,一名纽约警方的谈判专家(Ameen饰演)和一个联邦特工联手去破解劫案、拯救人质。而《局内人》重点是展现警和匪的智力抗衡、劫匪的盗亦有道等。  续集由MJ Bassett(《权欲》、《铁拳》、剧版《鬼玩人》)执导,环球家庭娱乐旗下的Universal 1440制作,将在Netflix和别的多家数字平台上线。
ENDANGERED SPECIES is an intense, action packed survival-adventure about a wealthy American family who travel to the vast African wilderness of Kenya hoping for a dream vacation filled with excitement, bonding and a chance to fix the growing rifts within their family. But when their safari vehicle is attacked by a rhino protecting her calf, the family is left stranded miles from help and their dream vacation turns into a nightmarish struggle for survival in a world where they are the bottom of the food chain.
《寂静岭2》改编自热爆电子游戏《Silent Hill 3》。  Heather Mason(阿德莱德·克莱蒙丝 Adelaide Clemens 饰)和父亲Harry Mason(肖恩·宾 Sean Bean 饰)在外面逃命已经多年,但她却总不明白那些对他们造成危险的东西是什么。多年来受神秘力量骚扰,更长期被毛骨悚然的恶梦弄得心绪不宁。18岁生日当日,她发现自己被偷偷跟踪,随之而来的事故也让父亲离奇失踪,只遗下一个神秘的讯息。在那场事件中,她发现自己的身份是伪造的,而自己对从前的回忆也成为了梦魇。这一切奇怪的梦和事,引领着她到达那个既陌生又可怕的国度——寂静岭。  踏进这里后,Heather发现很多惊人的真相,路上等待她的是恐惧的威吓,而她的身世之谜也慢慢被揭开。各种可怕的生物在这个地方出现,更有人告诉她她就是那个命中注定要来杀光所有梦魇和怪兽的人……
The series follows James St. Patrick, nicknamed Ghost, owner of a popular New York City nightclub. In addition, he is a major player in one of the city's biggest illegal drug networks. He struggles to balance these two lives, and the balance topples when he realizes he wants to leave the drug ring in order to support his legitimate business.
剧中讲述美国300年前,女巫终结了对她们的迫害但条件是她们得成为国家的战力。剧集背景设置在现代,现今年轻女性当到达18岁时会被征召,然后送入一处叫塞勒姆要塞Fort Salem的地方学习魔法战斗。  主角是三个少女,她们身处的这个世界所重视的性别及给予的权力都是反传统的,少女们将会是面对恐怖份子的防线,用的不再是枪械,而是超自然能力。
Section 20 are called into Bangkok, Thailand to rescue Chloe Foster, the daughter to British ambassador and longtim friend of Phillip Locke (Green), Robin Foster (Tim McInnerny). The team find the compound where she is being held, but during the raid the kidnappers escape with Chloe. After identifying the lead kidnapper as Ray McQueen (Max Beesley), Michael Stonebridge (Winchester), Damien Scott (Stapleton) and Julia Richmond (Lukes) track him to a nightclub and plant a tracker on him. However, McQueen soon realises he is being tailed and tries to escape with Chloe again, while also contacting Foster to deliver an armed bomb to the embassy where he is negoatiating with the North Koreans. With less than fifteen minutes, Scott and Stonebridge have to find McQueen and contend with a local gang. They ultimately rescue Chloe and apprehend McQueen, but Locke fails to stop Foster before the bomb detonated, killing Foster and a North Korean general
Cinemax与Sky1在上年宣布,他们将重启曾经的大热剧《反击 Strike Back》,不过这次将会用上新角色,Alin Sumarwata﹑Daniel MacPherson﹑Roxanne McKee及Warren Brown已在上年加盟复活的10集第六季。  据Deadline指,第六季将由原本的兄弟档方式,改变成像《速度与激情 The Fast and the Furious》系列般的多元化模式。另外以前剧情集中在基地组织,新一季故事会集中在ISIS;第二至五季主演Sullivan Stapleton及Philip Winchester目前未有回归《反击》的计划,但他们指自己愿意回归。  新季由Jack Lothian执笔及当制作人﹑Andy Harries及Sharon Hughff当执行制片Michael J. Bassett执导;在第六季中已被否认﹑解散的20号分部,因为一名臭名昭著的恐怖分子逃狱而重新启动。有隐秘军事情报的这支分部将继续处理高风险任务,这支复活部队展开致命的追捕,幷发现一个广泛﹑相互关联的犯罪活动;队伍将穿越中东﹑欧洲,了解到一个致命阴谋将威胁到他们,以及能改变现代战争的样貌。(拍摄会在约旦及匈牙利进行)  Alin Sumarwata饰演Gracie Novin,聪明﹑真诚﹑诚实到率直的她是队伍的灵魂所在;Daniel MacPherson饰演Samuel Wyatt,酒吧哲学家的他是个独狼,幷没有与别人组队的打算。Roxanne McKee饰演来自军人家庭的Natalie Reynolds,擅长心理侧写及找寻对手弱点,不过她可能对自己的错误懵然不知;Warren Brown饰演绰号Mac的Daniel Macallister,守信用﹑友好﹑强壮的他,是在为自己失去的队友报复而战。  Nina Sosanya饰演Adeena Donovan﹑Katherine Kelly饰演Jane Lowry﹑Trevor Eve饰演Morgan Ives。