Believe it or not


  Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him. Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was a natural person, and afterwards Hong and only then did he determine that the police colluded with the dark group, so Hong was trying to escape the police Wang Shazhan... Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him.  Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was natural, and afterwards Hong He determined that the police and the dark group colluded, so Hong Nai tried to evade the pursuit of the police Wang Shazhan, which made Wang Shazhan more suspicious.  Hung smuggled to Hong Kong to hide, and when he smuggled in, he met the young Ah Quan, and the killer Ah Jia also went to Hong Kong to chase and kill Hong, and Bo Shijia of the Macau group colluded with Hong Kong's other big boss Big Brother Bing, and wanted Bing to kill Hong and A together, but Big Brother Bing was the "big man" who introduced Hong to shelter, so Hong often encountered plots in Hong Kong, and a woman Ah Fang who met in Hong Kong fled for his life, Hong betrayed him because of his suspicion, so he fled to Hong Kong to inform him, and after several misunderstandings to explain clearly, and found that Fang was originally bribed by A, Therefore, A knew Hong's whereabouts.  Hong takes A as the only enemy, always pay attention to escape, but one day near the residence but found that A was killed, when he was dying, A asked Hong to pay attention to his eyes, only to find the basin worker Ah Quan to introduce the work, but only to accidentally find out that all eyes are fake eyes, a try, Quan really chased and killed Hong, Hong was chased to no way to escape, fortunately through the TV station street interview to escape.
The adventure of Avanti's Adventure
中国绿藤市,游戏工作室老板于海(朱亚文 饰)突遭投资人沈辉(刘奕君 饰)撤资,沈辉的冷酷令于海不服。于海意外遇见沈辉私生女路婕(金晨 饰),两人合谋了一场“绑架”意图报复沈辉,在这个过程中两人却陷入爱情。多日之后,路婕被发现死亡。警察吴宇柯(耿乐 饰)和女警苗佳(徐棵二 饰)负责侦破此案,在缜密的破案过程中逐渐揭露这一切背后更大的危险。主角们步步为营,继续着这场命运游戏。
Believe it or not


  Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him. Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was a natural person, and afterwards Hong and only then did he determine that the police colluded with the dark group, so Hong was trying to escape the police Wang Shazhan... Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him.  Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was natural, and afterwards Hong He determined that the police and the dark group colluded, so Hong Nai tried to evade the pursuit of the police Wang Shazhan, which made Wang Shazhan more suspicious.  Hung smuggled to Hong Kong to hide, and when he smuggled in, he met the young Ah Quan, and the killer Ah Jia also went to Hong Kong to chase and kill Hong, and Bo Shijia of the Macau group colluded with Hong Kong's other big boss Big Brother Bing, and wanted Bing to kill Hong and A together, but Big Brother Bing was the "big man" who introduced Hong to shelter, so Hong often encountered plots in Hong Kong, and a woman Ah Fang who met in Hong Kong fled for his life, Hong betrayed him because of his suspicion, so he fled to Hong Kong to inform him, and after several misunderstandings to explain clearly, and found that Fang was originally bribed by A, Therefore, A knew Hong's whereabouts.  Hong takes A as the only enemy, always pay attention to escape, but one day near the residence but found that A was killed, when he was dying, A asked Hong to pay attention to his eyes, only to find the basin worker Ah Quan to introduce the work, but only to accidentally find out that all eyes are fake eyes, a try, Quan really chased and killed Hong, Hong was chased to no way to escape, fortunately through the TV station street interview to escape.
The adventure of Avanti's Adventure
十年浩劫接近尾声,神鬼各归其位。自幼在老北京胡同里长大的韩春明(朱亚文 饰)返城归来,在周转与工作的过程中,还与同院儿的美丽姑娘苏萌(边潇潇 饰)和好哥们程建军(朱铁 饰)发展出一段剪不断理还乱的三角恋情。在程的捣乱和命运的安排下,有情人春明和苏萌的距离越来越远,而他因缘际会拜关大爷(倪大红 饰)为师,靠倒腾破烂中的值钱玩意渐渐发家。此去经年,市场搞活,改革开放的热潮让全国上下起了翻天覆地的变化,大学毕业生苏萌和收破烂的韩春明兜兜转转,若即若离,而程建军对春明的嫉恨与日俱增,时刻要将其彻底打翻。  在风起云涌、变化莫测的时代,春明和家人、好友、师父、恋人经历着深彻心灵的碰撞与巨变……
Believe it or not


  Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him. Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was a natural person, and afterwards Hong and only then did he determine that the police colluded with the dark group, so Hong was trying to escape the police Wang Shazhan... Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him.  Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was natural, and afterwards Hong He determined that the police and the dark group colluded, so Hong Nai tried to evade the pursuit of the police Wang Shazhan, which made Wang Shazhan more suspicious.  Hung smuggled to Hong Kong to hide, and when he smuggled in, he met the young Ah Quan, and the killer Ah Jia also went to Hong Kong to chase and kill Hong, and Bo Shijia of the Macau group colluded with Hong Kong's other big boss Big Brother Bing, and wanted Bing to kill Hong and A together, but Big Brother Bing was the "big man" who introduced Hong to shelter, so Hong often encountered plots in Hong Kong, and a woman Ah Fang who met in Hong Kong fled for his life, Hong betrayed him because of his suspicion, so he fled to Hong Kong to inform him, and after several misunderstandings to explain clearly, and found that Fang was originally bribed by A, Therefore, A knew Hong's whereabouts.  Hong takes A as the only enemy, always pay attention to escape, but one day near the residence but found that A was killed, when he was dying, A asked Hong to pay attention to his eyes, only to find the basin worker Ah Quan to introduce the work, but only to accidentally find out that all eyes are fake eyes, a try, Quan really chased and killed Hong, Hong was chased to no way to escape, fortunately through the TV station street interview to escape.
The adventure of Avanti's Adventure
在那个颠倒黑白的年代,有的人缄口不言独善其身,有的人为求自保构陷他人。良心灵魂又如何?全变成厕中物,足下土。东方机械厂厂长宋子堂(赵君 饰)当年揭发高级工程师唐献民(牛飘 饰),使其沦为烧煤工,两家由此结下不解之仇。改革开放之后,老一辈的仇恨没有了断,少一辈则又产生新的情愫。歌舞团一枝花唐小雨(曾黎 饰)与宋长青(冯雷 饰)相知相恋,但是两家老人的态度成为不可逾越的高山,不知死活的妹妹和弟弟唐小雪(李小冉 饰)与宋建国(朱亚文 饰)更沆瀣一气要拆散二人。  有情人难成眷属,意外的爱情不经意滋生……
Go to the Douyin page to view "Fa Wai"
Believe it or not

Go to the Douyin page to view "Fa Wai"

  Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him. Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was a natural person, and afterwards Hong and only then did he determine that the police colluded with the dark group, so Hong was trying to escape the police Wang Shazhan... Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him.  Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was natural, and afterwards Hong He determined that the police and the dark group colluded, so Hong Nai tried to evade the pursuit of the police Wang Shazhan, which made Wang Shazhan more suspicious.  Hung smuggled to Hong Kong to hide, and when he smuggled in, he met the young Ah Quan, and the killer Ah Jia also went to Hong Kong to chase and kill Hong, and Bo Shijia of the Macau group colluded with Hong Kong's other big boss Big Brother Bing, and wanted Bing to kill Hong and A together, but Big Brother Bing was the "big man" who introduced Hong to shelter, so Hong often encountered plots in Hong Kong, and a woman Ah Fang who met in Hong Kong fled for his life, Hong betrayed him because of his suspicion, so he fled to Hong Kong to inform him, and after several misunderstandings to explain clearly, and found that Fang was originally bribed by A, Therefore, A knew Hong's whereabouts.  Hong takes A as the only enemy, always pay attention to escape, but one day near the residence but found that A was killed, when he was dying, A asked Hong to pay attention to his eyes, only to find the basin worker Ah Quan to introduce the work, but only to accidentally find out that all eyes are fake eyes, a try, Quan really chased and killed Hong, Hong was chased to no way to escape, fortunately through the TV station street interview to escape.
Absurd event
/张嘉益/Nezha's demon boy is in trouble/Watch online/张天爱/Windfalls/Message boards/雷佳音/legend/张静初/The God Stealer Family/朱亚文/Magic Shoes/Queen's Journey/Red heat/TV series/赵今麦/张云龙/anime/It's not big, it's not small/Love fools/阚清子/黄景瑜/李小冉/张晞临/Good video, share with good friends/贾乃亮/Google Spider/Play Hair Wai HD Chinese/HD Chinese/Baidu spider/Play the hair circumference/毛晓慧/黄志忠/王自健/Sogou map/Lin Jianming/The way of tricks, the way of ghosts/Cancel/李百惠/RSS feeds/  Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him. Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police and invited Hong to help in the investigation, and wanted to kill him on the way, but fortunately Hong Ji/Movie/Overseas Films, Popular Films, Overseas Short Dramas, Short Videos, Funny Videos, Video Sharing, Free Videos, Online Videos, Trailers, Chinese New Year Films, haiwaiys.xyz, Comedy/涂松岩/  Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him. Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was a natural person, and afterwards Hong and only then did he determine that the police colluded with the dark group, so Hong was trying to escape the police Wang Shazhan... Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him.  Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was natural, and afterwards Hong He determined that the police and the dark group colluded, so Hong Nai tried to evade the pursuit of the police Wang Shazhan, which made Wang Shazhan more suspicious.  Hung smuggled to Hong Kong to hide, and when he smuggled in, he met the young Ah Quan, and the killer Ah Jia also went to Hong Kong to chase and kill Hong, and Bo Shijia of the Macau group colluded with Hong Kong's other big boss Big Brother Bing, and wanted Bing to kill Hong and A together, but Big Brother Bing was the "big man" who introduced Hong to shelter, so Hong often encountered plots in Hong Kong, and a woman Ah Fang who met in Hong Kong fled for his life, Hong betrayed him because of his suspicion, so he fled to Hong Kong to inform him, and after several misunderstandings to explain clearly, and found that Fang was originally bribed by A, Therefore, A knew Hong's whereabouts.  Hong takes A as the only enemy, always pay attention to escape, but one day near the residence but found that A was killed, when he was dying, A asked Hong to pay attention to his eyes, only to find the basin worker Ah Quan to introduce the work, but only to accidentally find out that all eyes are fake eyes, a try, Quan really chased and killed Hong, Hong was chased to no way to escape, fortunately through the TV station street interview to escape./段博文/王建国/
Believe it or not


  Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him. Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was a natural person, and afterwards Hong and only then did he determine that the police colluded with the dark group, so Hong was trying to escape the police Wang Shazhan... Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him.  Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was natural, and afterwards Hong He determined that the police and the dark group colluded, so Hong Nai tried to evade the pursuit of the police Wang Shazhan, which made Wang Shazhan more suspicious.  Hung smuggled to Hong Kong to hide, and when he smuggled in, he met the young Ah Quan, and the killer Ah Jia also went to Hong Kong to chase and kill Hong, and Bo Shijia of the Macau group colluded with Hong Kong's other big boss Big Brother Bing, and wanted Bing to kill Hong and A together, but Big Brother Bing was the "big man" who introduced Hong to shelter, so Hong often encountered plots in Hong Kong, and a woman Ah Fang who met in Hong Kong fled for his life, Hong betrayed him because of his suspicion, so he fled to Hong Kong to inform him, and after several misunderstandings to explain clearly, and found that Fang was originally bribed by A, Therefore, A knew Hong's whereabouts.  Hong takes A as the only enemy, always pay attention to escape, but one day near the residence but found that A was killed, when he was dying, A asked Hong to pay attention to his eyes, only to find the basin worker Ah Quan to introduce the work, but only to accidentally find out that all eyes are fake eyes, a try, Quan really chased and killed Hong, Hong was chased to no way to escape, fortunately through the TV station street interview to escape.
The adventure of Avanti's Adventure
  王茂(朱亚文 饰)和黄依然(陈妍希 饰)是在同一间婚庆公司工作的上下级,两人对于事业和人生都有着截然相反的信念,因此产生了不少的矛盾。然而,随着时间的推移,两人亦都发现了对方深藏在人格中的闪光点,渐渐成为了相互信赖的伙伴。  一场意外的发生令王茂陷入了人生的低谷,他必须拿到航空联盟集体婚礼的合同才有可能翻身,可这几乎是一件不可能完成的任务。善良勇敢的黄依然在此时选择了坚定的站在王茂的身后,两人凭借着共同的努力最终攻克了难关。经此一役,王茂和黄依然两颗心的距离火速拉近,双双坠入情网,可就在此时,一座坚不可摧的冰山忽然出现横埂在两颗心之间,让这段火热的关系降到了冰点。
Believe it or not


  Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him. Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was a natural person, and afterwards Hong and only then did he determine that the police colluded with the dark group, so Hong was trying to escape the police Wang Shazhan... Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him.  Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was natural, and afterwards Hong He determined that the police and the dark group colluded, so Hong Nai tried to evade the pursuit of the police Wang Shazhan, which made Wang Shazhan more suspicious.  Hung smuggled to Hong Kong to hide, and when he smuggled in, he met the young Ah Quan, and the killer Ah Jia also went to Hong Kong to chase and kill Hong, and Bo Shijia of the Macau group colluded with Hong Kong's other big boss Big Brother Bing, and wanted Bing to kill Hong and A together, but Big Brother Bing was the "big man" who introduced Hong to shelter, so Hong often encountered plots in Hong Kong, and a woman Ah Fang who met in Hong Kong fled for his life, Hong betrayed him because of his suspicion, so he fled to Hong Kong to inform him, and after several misunderstandings to explain clearly, and found that Fang was originally bribed by A, Therefore, A knew Hong's whereabouts.  Hong takes A as the only enemy, always pay attention to escape, but one day near the residence but found that A was killed, when he was dying, A asked Hong to pay attention to his eyes, only to find the basin worker Ah Quan to introduce the work, but only to accidentally find out that all eyes are fake eyes, a try, Quan really chased and killed Hong, Hong was chased to no way to escape, fortunately through the TV station street interview to escape.
The adventure of Avanti's Adventure
  抗联战士庞天德(朱亚文 饰)所在部队被日本关东军疯狂围剿,不得已暂时撤入苏联境內。苏联方面安排娜塔莎(伊莉莎 饰)负责中国军人的谍报培训工作,她十分欣赏聪明俊朗的天德,两人萌生深深爱意。训练结束后,俩人被派遣到境内与地下党接头。他们成功烧毁了日军码头,处决了苏军败类罗斯托夫(安德烈拉泽夫 饰),为苏联方面搜集了大量详实的情报,随后,娜塔莎奉召回囯。天德拒绝了父亲(马恩然 饰)为他安排的婚姻,只想与娜塔莎早日重逢。新中国成立后,娜塔莎以苏联专家身份来到中囯,正待两人准备登记结婚时,中苏关系破裂,从此二人天各一方。改革开放后,天德牢记当年的约定,在中俄边境见到了魂牵梦绕几十年的娜塔莎......
Believe it or not


  Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him. Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was a natural person, and afterwards Hong and only then did he determine that the police colluded with the dark group, so Hong was trying to escape the police Wang Shazhan... Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him.  Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was natural, and afterwards Hong He determined that the police and the dark group colluded, so Hong Nai tried to evade the pursuit of the police Wang Shazhan, which made Wang Shazhan more suspicious.  Hung smuggled to Hong Kong to hide, and when he smuggled in, he met the young Ah Quan, and the killer Ah Jia also went to Hong Kong to chase and kill Hong, and Bo Shijia of the Macau group colluded with Hong Kong's other big boss Big Brother Bing, and wanted Bing to kill Hong and A together, but Big Brother Bing was the "big man" who introduced Hong to shelter, so Hong often encountered plots in Hong Kong, and a woman Ah Fang who met in Hong Kong fled for his life, Hong betrayed him because of his suspicion, so he fled to Hong Kong to inform him, and after several misunderstandings to explain clearly, and found that Fang was originally bribed by A, Therefore, A knew Hong's whereabouts.  Hong takes A as the only enemy, always pay attention to escape, but one day near the residence but found that A was killed, when he was dying, A asked Hong to pay attention to his eyes, only to find the basin worker Ah Quan to introduce the work, but only to accidentally find out that all eyes are fake eyes, a try, Quan really chased and killed Hong, Hong was chased to no way to escape, fortunately through the TV station street interview to escape.
Believe it or not


  Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him. Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was a natural person, and afterwards Hong and only then did he determine that the police colluded with the dark group, so Hong was trying to escape the police Wang Shazhan... Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him.  Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was natural, and afterwards Hong He determined that the police and the dark group colluded, so Hong Nai tried to evade the pursuit of the police Wang Shazhan, which made Wang Shazhan more suspicious.  Hung smuggled to Hong Kong to hide, and when he smuggled in, he met the young Ah Quan, and the killer Ah Jia also went to Hong Kong to chase and kill Hong, and Bo Shijia of the Macau group colluded with Hong Kong's other big boss Big Brother Bing, and wanted Bing to kill Hong and A together, but Big Brother Bing was the "big man" who introduced Hong to shelter, so Hong often encountered plots in Hong Kong, and a woman Ah Fang who met in Hong Kong fled for his life, Hong betrayed him because of his suspicion, so he fled to Hong Kong to inform him, and after several misunderstandings to explain clearly, and found that Fang was originally bribed by A, Therefore, A knew Hong's whereabouts.  Hong takes A as the only enemy, always pay attention to escape, but one day near the residence but found that A was killed, when he was dying, A asked Hong to pay attention to his eyes, only to find the basin worker Ah Quan to introduce the work, but only to accidentally find out that all eyes are fake eyes, a try, Quan really chased and killed Hong, Hong was chased to no way to escape, fortunately through the TV station street interview to escape.
The adventure of Avanti's Adventure
Believe it or not


  Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him. Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was a natural person, and afterwards Hong and only then did he determine that the police colluded with the dark group, so Hong was trying to escape the police Wang Shazhan... Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him.  Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was natural, and afterwards Hong He determined that the police and the dark group colluded, so Hong Nai tried to evade the pursuit of the police Wang Shazhan, which made Wang Shazhan more suspicious.  Hung smuggled to Hong Kong to hide, and when he smuggled in, he met the young Ah Quan, and the killer Ah Jia also went to Hong Kong to chase and kill Hong, and Bo Shijia of the Macau group colluded with Hong Kong's other big boss Big Brother Bing, and wanted Bing to kill Hong and A together, but Big Brother Bing was the "big man" who introduced Hong to shelter, so Hong often encountered plots in Hong Kong, and a woman Ah Fang who met in Hong Kong fled for his life, Hong betrayed him because of his suspicion, so he fled to Hong Kong to inform him, and after several misunderstandings to explain clearly, and found that Fang was originally bribed by A, Therefore, A knew Hong's whereabouts.  Hong takes A as the only enemy, always pay attention to escape, but one day near the residence but found that A was killed, when he was dying, A asked Hong to pay attention to his eyes, only to find the basin worker Ah Quan to introduce the work, but only to accidentally find out that all eyes are fake eyes, a try, Quan really chased and killed Hong, Hong was chased to no way to escape, fortunately through the TV station street interview to escape.
The adventure of Avanti's Adventure
  潘芸(马伊琍 饰)和赵小亮(朱亚文 饰)都是职场上的得力干将,趣味相投的两人自然而然走到了一起,步入了婚姻的殿堂。之后,赵小亮在阴差阳错之下进入了潘芸所在的公司工作,为了不将私人感情混入工作之中,他们决定隐瞒他们之间的关系,为了保守这个秘密,两人闹出了不少的笑话。  随着时间的推移,潘芸和赵小亮对于未来渐渐产生了分歧,他们都希望彼此能够做出让步回归家庭,却都放不下各自职场上的大好前途,时间久了,两人之间的感情开始出现裂痕。就在这个节骨眼上,潘芸怀孕了,然而,这个孩子却并没能够成为两人感情的润滑剂,反而早就了更多的争吵和矛盾。在事业和家庭面前,潘芸和赵小亮会做出怎样的选择呢?
Believe it or not


  Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him. Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was a natural person, and afterwards Hong and only then did he determine that the police colluded with the dark group, so Hong was trying to escape the police Wang Shazhan... Ah Hung is a hotel waiter in Macau, one day in the hotel a senior water police officer and a wife were murdered, Ah Hong witnessed the murderer's face, and even captured him, but Hung's old Ah Cai actually let the murderer go by mistake, and was even fooled by him.  Then the people in the dark group pretended to be the police, invited Hong to help investigate, and wanted to kill on the way, fortunately Hong Ji was natural, and afterwards Hong He determined that the police and the dark group colluded, so Hong Nai tried to evade the pursuit of the police Wang Shazhan, which made Wang Shazhan more suspicious.  Hung smuggled to Hong Kong to hide, and when he smuggled in, he met the young Ah Quan, and the killer Ah Jia also went to Hong Kong to chase and kill Hong, and Bo Shijia of the Macau group colluded with Hong Kong's other big boss Big Brother Bing, and wanted Bing to kill Hong and A together, but Big Brother Bing was the "big man" who introduced Hong to shelter, so Hong often encountered plots in Hong Kong, and a woman Ah Fang who met in Hong Kong fled for his life, Hong betrayed him because of his suspicion, so he fled to Hong Kong to inform him, and after several misunderstandings to explain clearly, and found that Fang was originally bribed by A, Therefore, A knew Hong's whereabouts.  Hong takes A as the only enemy, always pay attention to escape, but one day near the residence but found that A was killed, when he was dying, A asked Hong to pay attention to his eyes, only to find the basin worker Ah Quan to introduce the work, but only to accidentally find out that all eyes are fake eyes, a try, Quan really chased and killed Hong, Hong was chased to no way to escape, fortunately through the TV station street interview to escape.
The adventure of Avanti's Adventure
  明朝建文四年,朱棣率兵攻下帝都应天,御史大夫景清夫妻罹难,长女若微被副将孙愚所救,次女蔓茵为太子朱高炽所救。骨肉同胞,一在宫中,一在江湖,同时长大。十年之后,若微随一批靖难遗孤入城刺杀朱棣,刺杀失败,若微遭遇皇太孙朱瞻基,两个年轻人是敌是友,自有一份因缘。造化弄人,若微 与妹妹蔓茵同时嫁入宫中,目睹了国家正在从乱象中恢复,平关外,迁首都,通运河,郑和下西洋,扬威海外,编撰《永乐大典》,盛世将成。若微决心放弃执念,辅佐登上皇位的丈夫朱瞻基,在丈夫死前发誓要替他守护好江山。她历经了北京保卫战等,重用于谦,救大明王朝于危难,在中国历史上写下了辉煌壮丽的一页。