The hero policeman Chen Jiaju (played by Jackie Chan) is back. However, with a fiery and outspoken personality, he quarreled with his boss this time because he was dissatisfied with his boss for letting go of an extremely dangerous felon, and resigned angrily. Jiaju and his girlfriend, who have escaped from the police life, are on a trip when a phone company is bombed.
The hero policeman Chen Jiaju (played by Jackie Chan) is back. However, with a fiery and outspoken personality, he quarreled with his boss this time because he was dissatisfied with his boss for letting go of an extremely dangerous felon, and resigned angrily. Jiaju and his girlfriend, who have escaped from the police life, are on a trip when a phone company is bombed.

The hero policeman Chen Jiaju (played by Jackie Chan) is back. However, with a fiery and outspoken personality, he quarreled with his boss this time because he was dissatisfied with his boss for letting go of an extremely dangerous felon, and resigned angrily. Jiaju and his girlfriend, who have escaped from the police life, are on a trip when a phone company is bombed.

Love fools
Charlie Cao
HD Chinese characters
  如月学园刚刚结束了一年一度的文化祭圆满落下帷幕,高二学生中岛直美(生驹里奈 饰)和青梅竹马持田哲志(池冈亮介 饰)等人还留在教室里,大家依依不舍,都想在学校里多待一会儿。这时,突然响起一个炸雷,吓... 全文

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Sweet Home 3
There is no history of watching the movie1
Red heatsort
Red heatsort