The way of tricks, the way of ghosts
The way of tricks, the way of ghosts

The way of tricks, the way of ghosts

Kawamura Itoma
Break the war
Red heat
Ken Nakajima
  人世间充满着令人无法解释的神秘角落,其中鬼神之说更是众说纷纭,谁又敢肯定在先进的世界里,不是到处充满幽魂野鬼。服装公司找模特面试,明明六名面试者,但是在面试的时候却有七个人,多出来的模特到底是人是... 全文

Sanshan Linghui

Play the Bloody Block movie version: The Sequel to the Evil King immediately
Play the Bloody Block Movie Version: The Extreme Evil King Sequel HD Chinese Characters1